“Happiness that is sought

04/04/2011 15:13

Happiness that is sought

According to the Bible, the struggle against evil is now taking place in both heaven and earth. People falling into sin, our beloved ones are dieying day after days we are not free, facing disasters… famine candshides, hoads and deases. Briefly, there is worth news than before


“Happiness that is sought… (from selfish motives, outside of the path of duty, is ill-balanced, filful, and transitory;) it passes away, and the soul is filled with loneliness and sorrow; but there is joy and satisfaction in (the service of) God; the Christian is not left to walk in uncertain paths; he is not left to vain regrets and disappointments. If we do not have the pleasures of this life we may still be joyful in looking to the life beyond. But even here [on earth] Christians may have the joy of communion with Christ; they may have the light of His love, the perpetual comfort of His presence” e.g white (1992) steptochrist. P.127. Our bravege is that you get a deeper experience of God’s love and make one step nearer to the blessed home of peace and life as you receive this message.


The Bible says: the work of righteousness will be peace, and the effect of righteousness is quietness and assurance forever (Isaiah 37:17)


It assure also that


Once we seem to doubt God’s love and distrust His promises we dishonor Him and grieve His Holly spirit. All have trials, griefs hard to bear, temptations and to resist.



To confess means to “agree” with God. I agree that ii lied or cheated or was unkind or lost my temper. Be specific as you silently confess your sin to God. (cfr 1 John 1:9 and 1 john 1:7)




  • Almight. S o says  this word and so shows His wonderful deeds. ( Romans 8:27) (Psalm 37:35) (Psalm 84:11) (Romans 8:32)
  • “He who covers his sins will not prosper, but whoever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy” (Proverbs 28:13)
  • To forgive, heal relieve ( Revelation 3:20) (Romans 10:13)
  • Let’s walk in the light, making right any known wrongs



The bible says: “I strive always to keeps my conscience clear before God and man” (Acts 24:16, NIV)


Sin takes us off God’s pathway to peace and joy. Confession puts us back on God’s pathway.


And life


The Bible tells that “for God so loved the world that he gave (us) only begotten son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (john 3:16)


King David testifies that “ I Waite patiently for the lord; and He inclined to me, and heard my cry. He also brought me up out if a horrible pit, out of the miry clay; and  my feet upon a rock, and established my steps. He has put a new song in my mouth-praise to our god; many will see it and fear, and will trust in the lord” (psalm 40:1-3).


2 Timothy 1:12, NIV; 1 Peter 1:5, TLB; 1 John 5:13, NIV; 2 Cor 5, 17, TLB.


*      Maintain unbroken fellowship with god (Trust god’s word rather than your feelings)


Base not only on your emotions. I argue you that you rest ultimately on facts based on God’s written word: the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross is still everyone here on earth to maintain a close relationship with God being confident that “He who begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ” (Philippians 1:6)



The bible reminds to pray because the lord can help, therefore we shall “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanks giving, let your requests be made known to God” (Philippians 4:6).



Let’s pray together: O Lord God, you are the light and giver of life but I’m a mere sinner. Have mercy on me for I agree that… [Specify your sin]. Take my mind and think through: help me to know you so well that I may truly love and serve you. Grant me your strength, and enfold me in your kingdom through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen



“Let the light of Christ shine from you today: None of us lived to himself” (Romans 14:7).  By our unconscious influence others may be encouraged, and strengthened, or they maybe discouraged, and repelled from Christ and truth. Propel them to the cross as you send this “good news” message by email or printed copy or invite them to visit our website. May God bless you richly; Amen



Billy Graham comments: “mankind has always been beset by worry, and the pressures of modern life have aggranted the problem… many of you are filled with a thousand anxieties. Bring them to Jesus Christ by faith… I am learning in my own life, day by day, to keep my mind centered on Christ; the worries and anxieties and concerns of the world pass, and nothing but ˋperfect peaceˊ is left in the human heart.”


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